This initiative is made in association with our founding member, Politehnica București.
Through this, we want to promote the best business plans made by the students of Politehnica București to be financed by our members and partners.
It’s well known that University spin-offs (also known as university spin-outs) are companies that transform technological inventions developed from university research.
The procedural steps are the following:
The university provides guidance, knowledge, and support to students enrolled in a specialized program, helping them develop their research, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills throughout the learning journey (more information about this here Centrul de Antreprenoriat UPBIZZ).
The results of the process are complete business plans made by students;
We select the best of those which are related to our key domains and publish them in this section.
After a business plan is published, our members and partners have the opportunity to invest and become shareholders in the start-up.
The procedural steps are the following:
In the learning process university offers consultancy, expertise and mentoring for the research, innovation and entrepreneurial skills for the students who are enrolled in a special program (more information about this here Centrul de Antreprenoriat UPBIZZ);
The results of the process are complete business plans made by students;
We select the best of those who are related with our key domains, and publish in this section;
After a business plan is published, our members and parteners have the opportunity to financing and become shareholders in the start-up;
There are no imposed limits for the amount of financing or equity shared to the investors. Those will be established through direct negotiations between the owner of the business plan and the potential investor. Our staff can mediate if the parts require.
We are also waiting for proposals from our members and partners for the specific areas in which they want to invest at the following email address:
This initiative is in development phase.
We estimate will be fully operational on 30 September 2023.