Working Groups

Working Groups are freely established by at least 2 member organizations or partners of the Cluster based on a common interest / project.

Once the objective of the Working Group is achieved, the structure is dissolved or transformed into another one with a new objective.

We recommend that maximum members of a WG to be no more than 5 organizations.

Once a WG is formed, the entity who initiated it will announce the Cluster at the following mail address, and a specialized WG manager will be allocated by the Cluster. The role of the manager is to moderate and help the members to achieve best possible results in the shortest time possible.

A Working Group may or may not develop into an internal founded research project based on the topic and purpose of it. The internal founded project will be financed, mostly, by private entities involved in it. The budget, activities and experts implied will be established by the members of the working group.

Also, the using of results and the intellectual property rights will be agreed at the working group level.
Any working group may or may not require expertise and resources from the Cluster.

The recommended WG domains are the following

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Smart C

Smart communities, technologically modern, having a high quality of life through different technologies (smart mobility, e-health, green houses, internet of things, artificial intelligence etc.)
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Smart technology

Today and tomorrow technologies will be integrated into any Smart community to make people’s life easier (telecommunications, robots, artificial intelligence, cyber security, etc.).
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Smart health

Technology will develop health services, smart communities will have access to medical techniques at home through e-health systems, but also a high-level medical infrastructure in hospitals, clinics, etc.
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Smart mobility

Use of intelligent, even autonomous means of transport that can help for pollution reducing, but also a strategy regarding their circulation in an efficient way.
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Smart environment

All other principles included in the Smart C concept must be NON-polluting. Our planet is our responsibility and the environment is a priority in Smart communities.
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Smart people

Education is a basic principle for the Smart communities, people must be educated in such a way that they understand the technology and its utility in everyday life.
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Smart materials

Traditional materials used for large scale production are quite inconvenient. The research activities carried out in recent years have led to impressive discoveries, so in smart communities we will use intelligent materials and materials with superior properties compared to classical ones.
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Smart food

Food sources are absolutely necessary for people, so the impact of technological evolution will also cover the agricultural field and the cultivation, harvesting techniques and subsequently the distribution chains will have its performance improved through technology.
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Smart working

The jobs offered to citizens by these communities, through the infrastructure they will benefit from, will also be smart, offering modern, technological work environments that are based on human-oriented work principles, allowing employees to have a balance between work and personal life.
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Smart infrastructure

All type of services we currently enjoy can be faster, more efficient and better suited to our needs. This will also be possible with the help of technology.
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Smart energy

Use of renewable energy sources, non-polluting, but also efficient in terms of performance and costs.

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Smart living

 In addition to going to work, people need spaces dedicated to recreational activities such as Sport, Art, Culture, Entertainment and other
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Smart life

Social responsibility, the way we use personal resources, both financial and otherwise, can be changed with the technology help. Society and quality of life will be at a distinctly higher level within Smart communities.
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Smart government

The policies that determine the existing regulations, but also the development directions must also be smart, that is the foresee of the tehnological evolution.